Passap Card Reader Technique Design Form

If you've ever had to lie to the console on your E6000 Passap knitting machine to knit the fabric you wanted, then this generator is for you. With it, you will be able to create your own custom knit techinques and read them in with your card reader or create data files to download into your console with your computer.

This generator is recommended for experienced Passap knitters who have already explored many of the built-in techniques are looking to expand on the creative options of the E6000. You may have to go through some trial and error to get exactly the fabric you are looking for.

A card reader technique is composed of three sections, the machine set up instructions, the knitting instructions for the locks, and an optional built-in stitch pattern. You will be answering questions about all three sections. It can be a little confusing if you don't have a clear idea of what you are trying to achieve. Before you begin, write down in your own words what you want your techinique to do. How are the needles and pushers to be arranged before you begin knitting? What do you want the pushers to do on each row? What do you want the locks to do for each row?

Section 1-- Machine Preparation
Technique Type:
Built-in Pattern Width: Hint: enter 1 if your technique does not include its own built-in pattern.
Built-in Pattern Length: Hint: enter 1 if your technique does not include its own built-in pattern.
Display COL 2/2 Display ND for back bed Display PUSH for back bed
Omit Enlarge/Position Dialog 27 Omit Enlarge Width Dialog 31 Omit Elongation Dialog 29 Omit Placement Dialogs 36-38
Strippers: Racking Handle Position:
Arrow Keys Affect: This only applies if the enlarge/position dialog was allowed above.
Background Patterning: This only applies if the enlarge/position dialog was allowed above. Depending on arrow keys chosen in carriage settings, you can generate vertical stripes or checks in the background.
Preparation (SX) rows:
Some needles/pushers will be placed in out-of-work position.
Preparation (SX) rows:Out-of-work needle/pusher pattern and initial needle/pusher pattern: Preparation (SX) rows:

Hint: these items refer to the two empty row passes with the locks that precede each new stitch pattern to be knitted. The first pass indicates, using the pushers, which (if any) needles should be moved to non-working position. The second pass sets the pushers for the first row of actual knitting.

Section 2-- Knitting Instructions
locks bb fb rcLock Settings. Back bed/front bed lock settings for the number of rows indicated by rc (row count.)
ndvNew Data adVance. Move the pattern grid to the next row.
col #Display color number between 1 through 4. "Col 1" is displayed automatically at the beginning of knitting and does not need to be entered for one color designs.
invINVert. Invert current pattern row. i.e., treat black squares as white and white squares as black. Used mainly for 3 and 4 color super-imposed designed.
tfb #Transfer Front to Back. Use the transfer lock, U-100E, to transfer stitch from front bed to back bed. Number # indicates the corresponding setting on the U-100E
tbf #Transfer Back to Front. Use the transfer lock, U-100E, to transfer stitch from back bed to front bed. Number # indicates the corresponding setting on the U-100E
rl #Rack Left. Turn racking handle left number of times indicated. Valid values for Number # are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, .25, .5, .75, and 1.25.
rr #Rack Right. Turn racking handle right number of times indicated. Valid values for Number # are: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, .25, .5, .75, and 1.25.
stDisplay "stitch size" message.
wyDisplay "waste yarn" message.
strDisplay "*" message.
Delete the sample knitting instructions shown here and enter your own. Instructions appear on console in the order entered as you knit. When the program comes to the end of the instructions, it will repeat them from the begining again until you are done knitting.
Section 3-- Built-in Pattern
Built-in Pattern:
Delete the sample pattern shown here and enter your built-in pattern information. x represents a black square, o represents a white square. If your technique does not have a built-in pattern, enter a single x. You must be consistent with length and width information entered above. Be sure to enter your preparation row set up if your preparation rows are different from the first row of your pattern.
Section 4-- Needle Diagram
Back Bed Pusher Arrangement:

Back Bed Needle Arrangement:

Front Bed Needle Arrangement:

Front Bed Pusher Arrangement:

Bed Alignment:
Delete the sample needle and pusher arrangements shown here and enter your own. 'w' indicates a needle or pusher in working position. 'n' indicates a needle or pusher in non-working position. 'r' indicates a pusher in rest position.

Press to view your card reader techinque. See page 28 of your manual for information on using the card reader to load a knit technique.